Benchmark Engineering, Inc.
Civil Engineering * Land Surveying * Land Planning

The BENCHMARK for Excellence
Our solutions to your unique land development challenges will be creative, the result of years of previous experience in land development by our Professional Engineers, Licensed Surveyors, and staff of civil engineers and surveyors. You directly benefit from this talented and motivated group.
One of our many skills is expediting design documents through local government regulations with little impact to you. Through our involvement with local committees, we continually monitor changes in land development regulations and pass these changes on to our clients in a timely fashion.

Celebrating our 25th Anniversary!! We will continue to strive to be the Benchmark of Excellence!!

2020 Award for Excellence in Community Development for The Refinery

Celebrating our 25th Anniversary!! We will continue to strive to be the Benchmark of Excellence!!


Our Mission
We commit ourselves to providing land development services that put the interests and objectives of our clients first. We believe this is done by createing financially sensible and time responsive solutions through the use of a one-stop, turn-key process.
We encourage all of our clients to seek complete satisfaction by joining us in a team relationship for the betterment of their project goals.
We Commit Ourselves to Helping YOU Achieve Success!!!